Razgovarali smo sa Eminom Hodžić iz Orgnostica, koja nam je objasnila ulogu Orgnostic platforme u ovom procesu. Saznaj više!
Ako se pitaš kako da maksimalno iskoristiš LinkedIn i privučeš pažnju regrutera, evo nekoliko praktičnih koraka koje možeš odmah primijeniti!
Agency recruiters are more than just “an extra pair of hands”. They are an extra pair of brains! Keep reading to find out what that means!
Want to make hiring awesome for everyone involved? Pay attention to the important numbers. Find out more!
Talentor Western Balkans, a new division of Popcorn Recruiters, is focused on executive search and business recruitment in the Western Balkans. We help companies find the right leaders and business pr...
We're teaming up with Bulb Tech! Check out our blog to find out more!