
How to Emphasize Your Personal Strengths During an Interview

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How to Emphasize Your Personal Strengths During an Interview

personal strengths

Job interviews are a unique opportunity for you to emphasize your strengths and show the company that you are the best candidate for the job. Highlighting your personal strengths can make you stand out from all the other candidates.

In this article, we will teach you how to identify your strengths and integrate them into your answers to the most common interview questions.

How to Identify Your Personal Strengths?

Take time before your interview to review your strengths, skills, and qualities and how they relate to the job description for which you are interviewing. Your main aim is to explain why your skill set is what the company needs and what makes you uniquely qualified to succeed in the role.

If you’re not sure what are your personal strengths, here are a few tips that can help you out.

Take notes of the things you enjoy.

Think about activities you enjoy doing and that come naturally to you. Then, consider if there are any specific skills you need to perform those activities. For example, if you enjoy doing crossword puzzles, you might be a critical thinker and problem solver.

Consider the feedback you received from others.

Think about the times people told you they liked something about you, such as your communication skills or eye for detail. Consider whether you received a reward, promotion, or any other type of recognition in the past and what skills helped you achieve that.

Take an online test.

There are numerous aptitude tests available online. Take one of them and identify your personal strengths in no time.

Still unsure of your personal strengths? Here are a few examples that can help you get started:

  • Technical skills
  • Language skills
  • Social media skills
  • Industry knowledge
  • Communication skills
  • Problem-solving
  • Flexibility and adaptability
  • Ability to cope with failures and learn from mistakes
  • Punctuality

Now, let’s find out how you can talk about all your personal strengths during a job interview!

How to Highlight Your Personal Strengths in a Job Interview?

Once you identify your strengths, you need to think about weaving them into your answers. Here are a few suggestions on how to do that.

1. Link your strengths to the job requirements.

Take a look at the job description and search for the key strengths and requirements for the role. They are usually clearly stated in the job description. Then, go back to your list of personal strengths and choose the ones that fit the best.

For example, if the role requires interaction with multiple departments, then you can highlight your communication and interpersonal skills.

2. Focus on quality, not quantity.

There are undoubtedly plenty of strengths and skills you can brag about. However, the best approach would be selecting three to five strengths you are the most confident about and explaining them in detail. This will be much more memorable rather than listing too many strengths, which can make you even sound arrogant.

3. Always back up your strengths with examples.

Talking about your strengths and skills means little to someone who is seeing you for the first time ever. That’s why you always need to prepare an example that will “prove” your strengths. Think about stories that demonstrate your previous experiences and show how you put your skills and strengths to use.

How to Mention Your Strengths When Answering Common Interview Questions?

Every job interview is different. However, there are some common interview questions that interviewers use to get to know their candidates better. Preparing responses to these questions in advance can help you feel more confident during the interview and also impress your interviewers.

Here are a few examples of how to mention your personal strengths when answering common interview questions.

1. “Tell me something about yourself.”

This is one of the most common interview questions that give you an opportunity to introduce yourself and also present your personal strengths to the interviewer. The interviewer has already seen your resume, so, your answer should complement it and highlight your accomplishments, career goals, and strengths.

Example: “I have spent the last six years working as an HR manager. I have used this time to develop my managerial skills. I enjoy solving customer issues and managing teams. While I love my current job, I’m ready to take on the challenges that come with leading a large team.”

2. “What are your greatest strengths?”

Most often, candidates try to subtly mention their strengths during a job interview. But, when you get this question, you want to openly talk about your strengths and how they can help the company.

Example: “I believe my strong work ethic is my greatest strength. When I commit to a deadline, I do whatever needs to be done to meet it in a quality manner. For example, one time my team and I had a task due, but we were lacking some information from another team. I worked all night to finalize the proposal to deliver it to the client on time.”

3. “Why should we hire you?”

This is a question you can expect at the end of the interview. This is your opportunity to leave a powerful and lasting impression on the interviewer. Make sure to refer to the specific skills and requirements outlined in the job description and mention how your personal strengths will allow you to succeed.

Example: “Based on my research and our conversation today, I understand that you are is looking for an administrative assistant with strong interpersonal and technological skills. My communication abilities will be useful in crafting client emails, talking to customers on the phone, and during oral presentations.”

How Can Popcorn Recruiters Help You?

Hopefully, this article will help you identify your personal strengths and prepare for your next job interview. But, our support doesn’t stop here!

Did you know that we help all our candidates prepare for their interviews?

As a recruitment agency, our goal is not only to meet the needs and demands of our clients. We also look out for our candidates and make sure they find their ideal employer.

Once you apply to one of our open positions or you join our talent network, we become your representatives – something like your personal agents.

First, we’ll have a chat to get to know you better – your needs, skills, interests, and requirements. Then, we’ll match you with a company we know you’ll fit in with perfectly!

Before you have a call or meeting with your potential employer, we’ll be more than willing to have a prep call with you to make sure you ace that interview!

Sounds good? Drop your CV and we’ll get in touch!